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Running Erlang/OTP test suite on target with ptest

· 6 min read
João Henrique Ferreira de Freitas
Maintainer of meta-erlang

ptest (package test) means packaging and installing runtime tests that are included in many upstream packages. At the end of the day it runs Erlang/OTP cross compiled test suite on the target hardware. The aim is to detect a range of problems when running test suites on different combinations of architecture processors and libc.

The Erlang/OTP howto about explains most of the details when running tests. While the Yocto's documentation about Testing Packages With ptest explains the ptest configuration.

So, this post is about how to run those tests using ptest approach on Yocto builds.

How does ptest work ?

Recipes with ptest enabled includes a shell script called run-ptest with the steps necessary to start the test suite provided by the target software (e.g.: Erlang/OTP).

The run-ptest script is responsible for starting the test suite and consolidating the test results into a single format. The format is the automake simple test format:

result: testName

Where: result is one of PASS, FAIL or SKIP and testName can be anything.

The erlang recipe from meta-erlang layer supports ptest. And, when activated, the package erlang-ptest is installed into the final image. It has the erlang test suite cross compiled and ready to be executed.

When ptest for erlang recipe gets executed, it finishes the erlang test suite configuration and starts to run each test configured in run-ptest script.

The Erlang/OTP requires several hours to finish. Because of that, ptest for erlang just executes a small set of all tests available (currently only emulator and kernel tests are enabled).


To get a better idea about how to run Erlang/OTP test suites the documentation, specially the session Running the tests.

The erlang-ptest package installs the test suite and also the run-ptest script at /usr/lib/erlang/ptest folder.

One point very important is that Erlang/OTP test suites need some tools installed into the target image in order to execute some tests. For example, to run emulator and kernel tests the target OS needs tmux and openssh packages. However the erlang recipe takes care of these details.

Each test suite might require additional packages. As there is no documentation describing all the requirements the best strategy is to inspect the test suite for each Erlang/OTP application (lib/*/test and erts/test folders).

Running Erlang/OTP ptest

Yocto provides some configuration when enabling ptest. As it is only relevant for testing purposes.

A specific image feature exists that enables ptest. So, in the local.conf configuration file:

# ptest image
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "ptest-pkgs"

This is all that is necessary to do in order to enable ptest build.

As we want to install erlang in the final image, we also need to add it to the final image. On build/local.conf configuration file:

# installing erlang and elixir
IMAGE_INSTALL:append:pn-core-image-minimal = " erlang erlang-modules-dev elixir elixir-modules-dev links"

The links package here is necessary to open HTML common test reports from console.

It's ready to build the core-image-minimal image:

bitbake core-image-minimal

And, for testing purposes, run the generated image using qemu emulator:

runqemu slirp kvm nographic serialstdio core-image-minimal

Logging into the running system and execute ptest for erlang:

Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro) 5.1 qemux86-64 ttyS0

qemux86-64 login: root

WARNING: Poky is a reference Yocto Project distribution that should be used for
testing and development purposes only. It is recommended that you create your
own distribution for production use.

root@qemux86-64:~# ptest-run erlang

The script /usr/lib/erlang/ptest/run-ptest starts execute controlled by the application called ptest runner. After several hours we get the following results:

START: ptest-runner
BEGIN: /usr/lib/erlang/ptest

FAIL: emulator
... lots of console messages ...
FAIL: kernel
... lots of console messages ...

=== common test Summary ===
Testing tests.emulator_test: TEST COMPLETE, 2112 ok, 4 failed, 82 skipped of 2198 test cases
Testing tests.kernel_test: TEST COMPLETE, 1338 ok, 20 failed, 293 skipped of 1651 test cases
=== Test Summary ===
END: /usr/lib/erlang/ptest
STOP: ptest-runner

Well, we got 4 fails for emulator tests and 20 fails for kernel tests. Not bad, but I don't know if it is also good.

For further inspection, it's possible to also check output messages for each test. The run-ptest script writes a specific log console for each test executed:

root@qemux86-64:~# ls /usr/lib/erlang/ptest/ -l
total 14680
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 236964 Oct 14 00:40 erlang_ptest_emulator_20241014-000215.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14770546 Oct 14 01:39 erlang_ptest_kernel_20241014-004016.log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 807 Oct 14 00:01 run-ptest
drwxr-xr-x 39 root root 4096 Apr 5 2011 tests

As usual when running common tests (remember Erlang/OTP test suites are just common tests), the HTML reports were written at /usr/lib/erlang/ptest/tests/test_server/index.html. Opening it with links command to check the results:

links /usr/lib/erlang/ptest/tests/test_server/index.html

ptest produces a lot of data to inspect.

Running Elixir ptest

The steps for running elixir ptest are almost the same for erlang. We just call ptest-run with the argument elixir:

root@qemux86-64:~# ptest-run elixir

The above command runs elixir ptest and reports some results:

START: ptest-runner
BEGIN: /usr/lib/elixir/ptest
PASS: erlang
FAIL: stdlib
PASS: ex_unit
FAIL: logger
PASS: eex
FAIL: mix
FAIL: iex
=== Test Summary ===
END: /usr/lib/elixir/ptest
STOP: ptest-runner

For further inspection, it's possible to also check output messages for each test. The run-ptest script writes a specific log console for each test executed:

root@qemux86-64:~# ls /usr/lib/elixir/ptest/ -l
total 64
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Apr 5 2011 elixir
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 840 Oct 18 02:28 elixir_ptest_eex_20241018-022812.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 323 Oct 18 02:27 elixir_ptest_erlang_20241018-022744.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1156 Oct 18 02:28 elixir_ptest_ex_unit_20241018-022806.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4230 Oct 18 02:30 elixir_ptest_iex_20241018-023005.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2648 Oct 18 02:28 elixir_ptest_logger_20241018-022810.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11243 Oct 18 02:30 elixir_ptest_mix_20241018-022814.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16895 Oct 18 02:28 elixir_ptest_stdlib_20241018-022745.log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 950 Oct 18 02:27 run-ptest

Again, ptest produces a lot of data to inspect.

Why running ptest for Erlang/OTP on Yocto builds is important ?

Now that we know what is ptest. Given the following question:

How do we know that a cross compiled Erlang/OTP build really works on the target hardware ?

The answer could be: testing it using tests provided by Erlang/OTP source code.

So, ptest is great for detecting problems.

As ptest has the ability of running Erlang/OTP test suites on the final image and reporting the results, we can get a baseline when comparing tests executed on different combinations of processor architectures and C standard libraries (libc) or any other aspect like different linux kernel versions. It's possible to detect regressions or find weak spots not covered by tests in a specific platform.

Also, the mechanism of executing those tests is simple. The user does not need to be an Erlang expert to check that something is not ok on some platform.