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Version: kirkstone


In this guide we are using the plain meta-erlang layer to build a XMPP server called ejabberd.

The recipe builds the ejabberd using a crosscompile approach both to erlang and for the various Erlang NIFs. ejabberd uses a custom mix between autotools and rebar2. Basically rebar needs to know how to use the correct environment variables in order to compile all the C code.

As a final result, we are able to run an embedded ejabberd using qemu.

Follow the quickstart guide to get a basic working environment and then:

  • Add ejabberd package to IMAGE_INSTAL in conf/local.conf
echo 'IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " ejabberd"' >> conf/local.conf
  • Now its time to build the image:
bitbake core-image-minimal
  • And check the results with qemu:
runqemu core-image-minimal

Connect to the qemu instance and call the main ejabberd admin tool: ejabberdctl.

The default recipe creates a system user called ejabberd by default.