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Version: scarthgap

Hello World examples for meta-erlang

The meta-erlang layer has many recipes for real world applications. On the other hand there is a repository called meta-erlang/hello-world which has a few examples showing how application written in Erlang and Elixir could be implemented and integrated with YP/OE recipes.

For each example there is a correspondent recipe. The following table sumarize the current examples:

Example NameLanguageDescriptionRecipe
hello-http-serverErlangA minimal http server written in
hello-rabbitmqErlangA minimal client that sends heart beats to a rabbitmq
hello-erlang-interoperabilityErlangA minimal Erlang application with Erlang port driver written in
hello-erlang-c-nodeErlangA minimal Erlang C
hello-phoenixElixirA minimal phoenix
hello-elixir-interoperabilityElixirA minimal Elixir application with Erlang NIF written in
hello-elixir-rustlerElixirA rustler getting started

Those examples are great to check how the build tool (rebar3, mix, Makefiles) were implemented in order to build successfuly in a cross-compile environment. However, bear in mind that the examples are very simple and does not do anything really useful. When trying the examples, make sure to use a recent YP/OE version as there is no guarantee that they will works with all Erlang, Elixir and YP/OE version combinations.