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BEAM Tools

Beam Tools is a tarball having Erlang/OTP and Elixir plus rebar3, erlfmt, elvis, erlang_ls and wrangler; ready to run on any Linux host without needed other software requirements (wxWidgets or ssl libraries).

It allows you to compile and run any Erlang and Elixir source code. The main purpose is to make meta-erlang generating useful toolchains to be run on linux hosts (beamtools does not provide any package for cross compilation to any target).


Each relase represents a specific combination of Erlang/OTP and Elixir for each meta-erlang branches. Usually the latest Erlang/OTP and Elixir are used.

meta-erlang branchBEAM Tools version
honister3.4.1 Erlang/OTP 24.1.7 Elixir 1.12.3
honister3.4.1 Erlang/OTP 24.2 Elixir 1.12.3
honister3.4.2 Erlang/OTP 24.3.3 Elixir 1.12.3
kirkstone4.0.1 Erlang/OTP 25.0 Elixir 1.13.3
langdale4.1.1 Erlang/OTP 25.1.2 Elixir 1.14.2
langdale4.1.3 Erlang/OTP 25.2.3 Elixir 1.14.4-dev
mickledore4.2.1 Erlang/OTP 26.0.2 Elixir 1.15.2
nanbield4.3.2 Erlang/OTP 26.2.1 Elixir 1.16.0

How to use

  1. Locate and download the *.sh at

  2. Execute the installation script. Here is an example for the traditional installer:

    sh ~/Downloads/ -y -d <local installation folder>

    The local installation folder could be any folder that you want. The recommendation is to create inside your $HOME folder, for example:

  3. Source the tools environment setup script by using a command like the following:

    source /home/your_username/beamtools/3.4.1-erlang-24.1.7-elixir-1.12.3/environment-setup-x86_64-pokysdk-linux

After you have sourced the setup script, the tools are added to PATH and any other environment variables required to run the tools are initialized. The results are working versions versions of rebar3, Erlang/OTP and Elixir.